Campbell River Fire Department’s first ever Orientation/Media Day


Holding the Public Safety portfolio on Campbell River City Council, I was invited along with members of the local media and some city staff to learn more about our fire department at their first ever Orientation/Media Day. Yes, their job is tough, but pretending to be a firefighter for a day was a lot of fun! There are many recognizable faces from the community in this video… enjoy! And thanks to Chief Dean Spry and everyone at Firehall #1 and #2 for the up close ‘n personal education!

The Campbell River Wind Storm of March 12th 2012


In the early hours of March 12th 2012, southeast winds of up to 137 km/h (recorded at the Maritime Heritage Centre) hit Campbell River, BC causing road closures, damage to homes and parks, and power outages that lasted for 60 hours or more.  Here’s some of the footage of the storm I caught on video.


Attention citizens and community groups: have input in next year’s provincial budget!


I just received a hot tip today of a substantial opportunity for you to have your say regarding the 2012 PROVINCIAL budget.  You can do it several ways… by online survey, with a written submission, or at a public hearing.  The closest one in our area is Thursday, September 22nd from 9am to noon in Courtenay.  Registration is underway as of today for the public hearing, so if you or a group you’re involved in wants a direct line to our provincial government, check this link out asap!

Good luck, and tell ’em Councillor Ryan Mennie sent you!