Where the heck have I been???

…to COUNCIL and back, THAT’S where!  This week, it’s officially 8 months that I’ve been on the job as a councillor with the City of Campbell River. 

No, even through the craziness of it all, the shiny coolness of the honour of the position has not worn off.   It’s been 8 months of getting/keeping my head on straight…learning how to function in a completely foreign society (government!) while not completely abandoning my duties at my “day” job (more like a “crack of dawn” job) and at the Mennie Ranch as a husband and a dad (the shrimp just turned 18 months old this week!  hooray!)

Anyway, this post was long overdue, but not possible until I got proper perspective on what the job at city hall is really all about.  I had a good idea (and I still have some good ideas!) but it’s been a whole lot more on top of that.  Not more than I bargained for… just… more.  I don’t think anyone getting involved in municipal government for the first time TRULY knows what it’s all about.  And the impact that it has on your life.  And how it changes how some people see you. 

Now the REAL reason I created this blog many moons ago (beyond getting my messages across during my campaign) was to stay in touch with the community, and offer up true layman’s terms and perspective on what is going on at city hall.  I’ve made it very clear to many folks in the community that I got into this (the P word… politics!) to truly represent the average Campbell River citizen… and that I need to remain a regular Riverite in my head and actions in order to do so!  (I think the political word is “accountable”) 

So keep posted to my “Accountability Blog”…I’ll certainly be updating it more frequently.  I’ll also be discussing issues as best (and extensively and thoroughly) as I can.  All I need from you is your understanding and trust when something delves too deep (into legal issues…potential disrespect to my fellow council members) that I may have to respectfully decline further discussion.  Comments and feedback are encouraged!  This is just one of many ways to stay connected with one representative of your city’s council… and one more way for you to be heard!