Radio Guy/Family Man Throws Hat In Ring For City Council

It’s VOTING DAY TODAY! TIL 8PM at the Community Centre, Sportsplex, and Discovery Passage School.  For voting RESULTS check out THIS WEBSITE (and select Campbell River… then click ‘generate report’).  Thanks in advance for your support!  I look forward to representing you on council!!! 

Contact Ryan Mennie


Watch Ryan in the All Candidates Forum on CRTV Channel 10

And DON’T FORGET about the advance voting Wed. November 12th

8am to 8pm at the Community Centre!!!


Click HERE to join my FACEBOOK campaign page  




Click these links to read about my recent press conference at the hospital, then see what else I have to say below!

“Mennie Enters Council Race To Fill A Void”

“Radio Personality Says Hospital Is An Issue”

Here’s my extended bio from the Campbell River Mirror

Well here it is.  It’s time to spill the beans.  I’ve been an active member of the community of Campbell River for a whole decade now, both as a professional broadcaster and as a volunteer (for a list of some of my volunteer activities, read my bio at the top left of the page). 

Now I’d like to add “City Councillor” to my resume!   

During my campaign chats with folks in the community, the main questions I’ve been asked are “what do you stand for?” or “what’s your platform?” My favourite request so far…”name your principals”.

(Sorry…I graduated more than 17 years ago. I can’t remember my principal’s name.)  🙂


I do, however, have a fantastic acronym that sums up the perspective I wish to bring to Campbell River city council. SURVIVAL. This was taught to me during the Air Cadet Survival School program at CFB Cold Lake. It’s original purpose was to provide mental focus in a survival situation (following a plane crash or other incident) and I find that it applies in our city’s current situation.


Here’s what it stands for (and how I believe it can be applied):


S: Size up the situation. (What’s going on in the city? What are we trying to achieve?)


U: Undue haste makes waste. (Don’t rush ahead and commit to putting all our energy into something until we have a true game plan. This definitely applies to the events centre.  The idea is fantastic…I support it entirely.  However the plan needs more work.)


R: Remember where you are. (Where have we been as a community… what have we been through? Where are we now? Where are we trying to go?)


V: Value living. (Quality of life is very important to keep a community strong. Continued support for our own local hospital is one way of ensuring that.)


I: Improvise. (Our economy has been hit hard by the closure of the Timber West Saw Mill and the job losses at Catalyst Paper and NVI Mining. We need to get creative to diversify our economy and create new job opportunities.)


V: Vanquish fear and panic. (We need to remain committed to our community! Support each other and find our way through tough times together.)


A: Act like those around you. (In a survival situation, this means ‘do what the critters are doing.’ I want to use this as a reminder to myself to support and act on the wishes of the community rather than my own interests while on council.)


L: Learn the basic skills. (JFK said “leadership is inseparable from learning.” I take this advice to heart…and look forward to learning more about our community in my continuing efforts to support and serve Campbell River.)


I hope my SURVIVAL acronym gives you an idea of where I’m coming from. I also hope you’ll leave a comment or ask a question! And if nothing else, you’ve at least learned some useful tips if you ever find yourself lost in the woods.