Survey SAYS…

Okey dokey… time for another blog post.  There has been so much going on in the last several months with Campbell River’s Sustainable Official Community Plan consultation process, I’ve had a tough time figuring out what to talk about.   There have been sessions with the public on a whole lotta stuff that addresses the future of our community.  An OCP is the guide of what we want our city to be, and what ideals we should follow to get there.  Best part of all, it’s made by the community!  It’s a year or so in the making, and only takes place about once every five years.  And this year is the first year we’ve added the “S” to the OCP.  Questions you may have:  “What makes it sustainable?”    “How do I have my say in all of this?” 

Well, they’ve made it easy for you (and for me to tell you).  It’s all in one place… what the process is about, what some great folks in the community think about it, and the survey on the top of the page in which you can have YOUR say.  It’s great if you can make it to the sessions scheduled.  But make sure you’re heard by filling out that SURVEY.  

 (click on survey on this page, or the pic below… that’ll take you to the main page… click survey again on the top of the page once you’ve read all the neat stuff!)